What do Virtually All Phishing Attacks Have in Common?

How to figure out if an email is genuine or “phish-y”

We have all gotten those messages. The ones that state we’ve won the lottery despite never buying a ticket, or that some unknown relative has left us a great fortune, or the ever prominent one where a Nigerian Prince threatens to split his inheritance with us and all we need to do is give up some information. We just need to click a link, send the person on the other end our bank account information, or input our social security number to get rich quick, right? Unfortunately, whenever you do this, you may find that instead of your bank account growing, it is instead dramatically thinned out. Even worse, attackers could get access to something even more valuable: your data. These types of emails are a common type of email scam called ‘phishing’ where attackers pretend to be someone else and ask for your information. Whenever you give the information out, it gives the attackers a way to get into your private data and your bank account. Even for people who are experienced in the ways of the internet, phishing attacks can be difficult to detect as attackers make more and more efforts to trick us.

Thankfully, all phishing attacks have a few red flags in common that you can train yourself to identify, and with a bit of practice, you can keep yourself and your data safe from attacks.


How Phishing Works

Phishing works whenever an attacker pretends to be someone you would trust, trying to get you to open a link. For example, you might get a strange email from someone pretending to be your bank, a workmate, or a business you frequent. They will then ask you to click on a link or perform an action in the email.

Whenever you do, the attack can install malware onto your computer, steal funds or make charges to your credit card, or even steal your identity. Phishing is also very dangerous for companies, because a phishing attack that gets through employees can get through security and other safeguards.

This can be the opening to a larger data attack that can compromise the company’s information, leak hidden data, and can put everyone at risk. So no matter what, it’s important that you know how to detect these phishing scams and how to defend yourself against them.


What Most Phishing Attacks Have In Common

It is very understandable to be worried about phishing attacks. They can cause devastation to individuals and companies alike. However, most phishing emails or texts have a few things to watch for that most phishing attacks have in common.


1.  “Phish-y” Email Addresses

One thing that may tip you off that an email is not legitimate is an email address that does not match the expected sender. If the email claims it is from a legitimate company but does not come from an email address associated with that company, it should be cause for concern. Most attackers cannot gain access to a legitimate company email and simply hope that the recipient takes them at their word. You can check the email against legitimate emails from the same company to further see the differences. Keeping an eye out for ‘phish-y’ email addresses is a great way to prevent most attacks. 


2.  Spelling and Grammar

Another way to detect a phishing attack is to examine the contents of the email. Phishing and scam emails tend to have worse grammar and spelling and have awkward sentence structure. If it looks like the email should be run through a spellchecker, you might want to consider that it isn’t legitimate.

Additionally, the email might have inconsistent and informal wording. For example, the email could use phrases that are not common in the workplace or business environment. The word ‘dear’ or other informal language from someone you don’t have a casual relationship with is also a red flag. 


3.  Sense of Urgency

Phishing emails will often require you to perform an urgent action and try to get you to panic: You need to log into your account now, claim the money now, and click on the link now. A common tactic is to state that your account has been hacked, and you must log in immediately to change the password. This is done so that people do not have time to think about their actions and will take steps they wouldn’t usually take if they had time to consider. Most legitimate emails will not require such urgency.


4.  Too Good To Be True

Finally, many phishing emails are too good to be true. Any emails offering money, or expensive items for free, are almost always too good to be true, especially if they are asking for personal information in return. No legitimate company will ask for your social security number or account credentials in exchange for a free set of Airpods. Trust your gut, and don’t be afraid to report the email to your IT team and move on.


Who Is At Risk?

Everyone is at risk for phishing attacks, whether you are an individual on a personal device or part of a company, because phishers and data scammers cast a very wide net. They send out thousands of emails to thousands of people, confident that no matter what, someone somewhere is going to fall for their scam and give them access.

Whether you are a normal person or the CEO of a big company, no one is immune to getting these emails. Often, people working either at the bottom rung of companies are good targets because they are gatekeepers to their internal workings and often aren’t trained to recognize phishing emails.


What To Do If You Are A Victim

Sometimes accidents happen, and you slip up and get caught on the hook of a phishing attack. If you are a victim, here are some of the things you can do to keep yourself safe and prevent an attack like this from happening again. 


Phishing Recovery As An Individual

One of the first things you will need to do is take a deep breath. Phishing attacks often rely on the urgency to get you to do something, such as entering a password before a 24-hour time limit is up. However, continuing to be reactive is precisely what the attacker is hoping for. Often, it prevents you from taking the steps needed to mitigate the damage.

First, record everything. If you entered your email or password into a scam webpage, record exactly what you entered, try to take screenshots, and do whatever you can to gather information. If you have downloaded a dangerous attachment, instantly turn off your Wi-Fi and disconnect from the internet. You might be able to prevent the virus or the attacker from getting a firm grip on your computer and all your data.

Then change your passwords for all the affected accounts and any other accounts that might have the same password. You should also change your security questions, recovery emails, and anything else that helps you get into the account. Then make sure to scan your computer to remove any viruses, either by using software or by working with an expert who can professionally clean your drives.

Finally, take the time to keep an eye on your bank or email accounts. If the scammers are making moves with your data, you’ll be able to see and report it. If your identity has been stolen, reach out to the Federal Trade Commission or Credit Reports to mitigate the damage.


Phishing Recovery As A Company

If a company is recovering from a phishing attack, it can take a while to sift through everything and see what has been stolen, affected, or exposed. The first thing to do is disconnect the affected device from the internet and the network. You don’t want an infected device causing problems for your entire network, so isolating the virus is the first step. Additionally, if you logged into a fake website, make sure to go to the actual website and change the credentials. 

If you have a Managed Service Provider, you should immediately report the attack to them. They can help with your data recovery, and help you figure out your next steps. Your company will also need to report the attack to the Federal Trade Commission. Finally, scan the affected device for malware and try to determine how much damage it can do. 


Moving Forward After A Phishing Attack

Whether you are a company or an individual, recovery from a phishing attack can be done. You just need to make sure that you have learned from the attack, are more cautious when opening and interacting with emails, and work on prevention. Keeping your emails safe with programs and other defensive measures is crucial to preventing phishing attacks from getting you on their hook again.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication is one of the best ways to mitigate the effects of phishing attacks. Multi-Factor Authentication gives you an extra layer of security if an attacker gains access to your credentials through a phishing attack, and may prevent them from being able to use those credentials to access your accounts.

For example, a website might ask for your username and password, but it will also text a numerical code to your phone if MFA is implemented. Hopefully, a phishing attacker doesn’t have access to your phone, so you would be able to get into the website while the attacker wouldn’t be. Having two or more steps to your verification will be one of the easiest ways to prevent hackers from getting into your data.


Recent Attacks in the News

Phishing attacks are more common than we think, and despite how much we know about them, they keep happening. Here are some of the most recent phishing attacks in 2022.


The Attack On Trezor

With everyone trying to get into cryptocurrency, it was only a matter of time before someone attacked crypto wallets. However, the popular email service, MailChimp, was compromised on March 26th, 2022, sending phishing emails to people who have cryptocurrency wallets made by Trezor.

Other cryptocurrency areas are getting attacked in a similar manner, and although the attack was found and halted, emails were exposed, and attackers were able to access data from them. The affected email owners were notified, but it still was something that shook the cryptocurrency industry to its core. 


The Attack On Spokane Regional Health

On February 24, 2022, the personal information of almost 1,200 residents of Washington was exposed. An attacker accessed these clients’ medical data and protected information at Spokane Regional Health. While no social security numbers or financial data were exposed, medical information, first and last names, and other data were leaked.

The Health District stated that their staff failed to recognize a phishing scam, exposing the data and getting into the system. In order to handle these threats better and prevent this type of attack from happening again, the District is requiring extra training and communication so their employees can recognize phishing attacks.

No matter what field you are in or where you work, nearly everywhere can be vulnerable to phishing if the proper precautions and training are not taken. So making sure that everyone involved is educated about how to handle a phishing attack goes a very long way.



Needless to say, phishing attacks can be detrimental to not only businesses, but any individual who accesses emails or text messages. We must constantly be on high alert against these attackers. However, hopefully these tips will help you recognize these attempts and get you ready for when you inevitably face one of these phishing emails. 

Do you have a plan in place for if you or your employees fall victim to one of these attacks? Edge Networks can help! Our Advanced Cybersecurity Plan can provide your business with employee security awareness training, phishing simulations, and even help you put a plan in place for incident response and disaster recovery. Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how Edge Networks can help your business. 

7 Cybersecurity Tips for Small/Medium Businesses

Cybersecurity Tips for Small and Medium Businesses

If you run an SMB (a small or medium business), you likely know by now that most things are going digital. Because of this, there is a rising threat of cyberattacks every day. Hackers are starting to become more creative with their methods and attempting to steal data that may contain sensitive information. We’ll be sharing a few cybersecurity tips for small and medium businesses so you know what you can do to help prevent cyberattacks and what to do in the event of one. Cyberattacks can cripple a business (temporarily or permanently), so it’s important to take these cybersecurity tips to heart and take every precaution necessary to protect the data of your business and customers. With that said, let’s dive right in.


1. Backup all your data

This is rule number one in terms of protecting your data, sensitive information, and everything in between. It’s a task that you need to do regularly, but thankfully many computer systems can be set up to automate this process. 

Another thing you want to note is the risks that come with backing up all your data in one place. Things happen – whether you accidentally misplace or damage your hard drive, a natural disaster occurs, a virus or cyberattack occurs, or the hard drive is stolen. To help prevent situations where you lose access to this data, consider using cloud storage which allows you to access your data almost anywhere you get Internet access.

Furthermore, you should consider using an external hard drive in case the internal hard drive in your system loses your data or an accident happens. If you have the backups saved to an external hard drive, you can later reupload it to a new computer system. 

You don’t want to mess up this process. If you are doing it manually, you’ll want to set a schedule where you will be able to get it done. Another option is to do automatic backups, which saves you time and frustration and gets the job done so you can prioritize other things.


cybersecurity tips

2. Encrypt your data for an extra line of defense

While backing up your data is critical, you might consider encrypting it as well. Think of it like this: it’s an extra line of defense against cybercriminals and hackers trying to access the data they are after. It’s like putting something valuable into a very secure safe that is complex to break into. The more encrypted it is (or the more complex the safe is), the harder it will be for a hacker to break into. It will take creative and sophisticated methods to do it and will be no easy task for an amateur hacker. 

Installing encryption on all your devices and drives will be important. You’ll want to know where all your sensitive data is stored. This includes but is not limited to the following: 

  • Email addresses
  • Names
  • Credit/debit card numbers
  • Other financial information
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers

This is just a sample list of the pieces of sensitive data hackers and cybercriminals are after. The reason for this is that most of them will use it for identity theft purposes to create all kinds of havoc.

For example, someone could steal the identity of one of your customers and open up loans on their behalf. As a result, this can hurt the real person’s credit score. For that person, it will cost them time and money just to fix the damage that’s done to them.

Cybercriminals will go to almost any length to make life difficult for people and to get what they want, which is why we should all take cybersecurity seriously.

Think about it: you are handling what could be the most sensitive data a customer is giving you. They trust you enough to protect it. Some may be cautious not to hand over such data in the first place, but it is ultimately your responsibility to keep it safe.


cybersecurity tips

3. Use Firewalls to Defend Your Data

Some might feel that firewalls are outdated. However, it’s one of the first things you should install whenever you launch a new computer system. The options for firewall software are endless.

You’ll want to invest in one that will fit within your budget that still offers a strong protection. This is not the place to settle on what’s cheapest. Quality should always be the first thing you consider with a firewall, even if it comes with a bigger price tag.


4. Make protection against viruses, spyware, and malware a priority

Viruses, spyware, and malware are threat to not only personal device, but company computers and networks as well. You could come across a website that is riddled with them and not even know it. 

The good news is that there is plenty of software available to you that can stop these threats dead in their tracks and will notify you of potential viruses, spyware, or malware present on the sites you visit online. Your modern anti-virus software should offer updates regularly, and it’s important that you set up automatic updates to ensure you’re on top of things.

Furthermore, your anti-virus software should work in the background to ensure that it will stop any kind of infection from happening. Again, you’ll want to find one that will give you the best protection possible while fitting within your budget.

Some of the software can be purchased on a one-time licensing deal. Others will likely ask you to pay a subscription fee (either monthly or annually). The financially smart option will be to purchase an annual subscription as it can potentially reduce monthly expenses.

The same goes for cloud services, cybersecurity protection, and more. If you are handling your business finances, decide how much money you want to spend per year on cybersecurity protection.

5. Don’t Discount Physical Theft

During closing hours, burglaries can happen, targeting all businesses, regardless of size. Thieves can break in and steal your computer hard drives or other items that can contain the sensitive data your business has (including customer information).

It would be wise to take precautionary measures to ensure that your assets are kept safe and are accounted for. Making sure employees know the content of the assets and how to keep them safe is equally important.

This includes data that they can access on their cell phones and computers, be it at home or on the go. If they use apps that they can access anywhere on their personal devices, you’ll want to stress the importance of being responsible and protecting their devices from loss or theft.


6. Use Strong Passwords

This can’t be said enough. Strong passwords need to be issued. If you allow access to each employee, make sure they have a unique password that is strong enough not to be compromised. 

Also, make sure you explicitly tell them not to share their passwords with other employees or unauthorized business personnel. Consider the idea of changing passwords on a regular basis. A good time frame will be to change passwords every quarter (every January, April, July, and October), or keep your passwords safe in a password management system.


7. Invest in Cybersecurity Training for You and Your Team

Your employees should be trained on the basics of cybersecurity. Implement a set of rules that they should follow to keep all pieces of data protected. You can find many helpful resources online, both free and paid, to help teach good cybersecurity practices, such as videos, workbooks, and more. Your employee handbook should state your policies and what to do in case of a data breach or cyberattack.


The Impact Of Cyber Attacks And How To Prevent Them

Let’s talk about the impact of cyberattacks. Here’s a list of what you’ll be dealing with in the event of one:


Financial loss

One of the biggest ways cyberattacks can harm a business is by causing financial loss. Businesses can lose hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, due to cyber-attacks. SMBs in particular lose anywhere between $25000 to $50000 per cyber attack. This money can be lost due to hackers holding your data ransom, by replacing your stolen or infected assets, losing customers due to a damaged reputation, and more.


Loss of trust

With customers’ data being exposed, the trust between them and your business will quickly erode. Soon, they will begin to question whether they’d be willing to hand over their personal information to you ever again.

If anything, that loss of trust may not be regained at all. They’ll do business elsewhere, and you’ll lose a customer. For that reason, you’ll want to retain the trust of your clients and customers by ensuring their data is protected.

Yes, things beyond our control can happen. However, you are responsible for protecting your customers’ data from cybercrimes and technological failure that could result in data loss.

Preventative measures

As for preventative measures, you want to use the tips listed above. This includes backing up your data regularly, installing firewalls, and encrypting data. Furthermore, you’ll want to ensure your employees are trained to handle sensitive data and are using strong and unique passwords.

One of the most critical things you can do is ensure you and every employee receives basic training on cybersecurity and data handling. A course can be put together where they can learn about the basic cybersecurity measures they can take to protect critical business data. 

The more preventative measures you take, the more likely it is that you can protect your business from cyberattacks. It is important for you to cover your bases whether you are using an existing system or starting from scratch with a new one.

You can install cybersecurity software on your own or have a Managed Cybersecurity Service get it done for a fee. Either way, take the necessary precautions now rather than later.


Final Thoughts

If you are a small or medium business owner, you could be a target for cybercriminals and not even know it. That’s why you want to follow the tips listed above to protect your system from the inside and out. Sensitive data can be stolen, and it can be used in other cybercrimes.

A person’s identity can be compromised, and they might not realize it until it’s too late. Do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening while protecting your business and its reputation from such attacks.

If all these cybersecurity tips seems overwhelming, don’t worry! If you’d like to find out how your company is performing and isolate weaknesses in your cyber defenses, or to discuss what type of security measures you should be taking, our experts are here to help when you’re ready.

Just schedule a call with us, or take our free, self-guided IT Security Risk Assessment

Do You Know the True Cost of Data Loss?

You Lose More Than Data with Data Loss

Cybersecurity is more important than ever, especially when it comes to the issue of data loss. With a single hack, businesses can lose a ton of precious data. But what does that mean for your business?

Data loss is more than simply losing client information and trade secrets, though those things would already be a big issue for a company. This article will discuss the true costs of data loss that people don’t always consider. Additionally, we will discuss what you need to do to prevent data loss in the future (even if you’ve dealt with it already). You never know if and when another hack can happen, or when an employee can make a mistake. It is best to be prepared and take preventative measures to protect your data to minimize the threat to your business.


What is the actual cost of data loss?

In 2018, one study found that the monetary cost for data loss was approximately $3.6 million. This is close to $141 per data record. Data loss can be very costly, no matter how much data is lost, and the costs continue to rise. In 2019, the cost related to data loss had reached nearly $4 million on average worldwide, and in the United States alone, the costs are double the global average. The increase in costs raises alarms for businesses, making many people question whether or not their current cybersecurity protection is up to par. 

As hackers continue to become more creative in their tactics and attacks against computers (both commercial and residential), the cybersecurity industry has the opportunity to try and stay one step ahead of the bad guys. 

Plus, these hacks can be more devastating than previous attacks. That alone can lead to more costs (and the figures continuing to rise). That is why businesses need to take necessary precautions in protecting data. 

However, data loss is not only linked to cyber attacks. It can be caused by other incidents that may be beyond human control.


Risks and hazards that contribute to data loss

Aside from cybercrimes, there are some risks and hazards that can cause data loss. Some of them are beyond human control.

Here are a few examples:

  • Human error: Yes, human error is one of the largest risks and hazards of data loss outside of cybercrime. Specifically, two major factors are accidental deletions of specific files or a lack of competence. Unless backup measures are implemented, there would be no way of recovering any of the lost data.
  • Natural disasters: Depending on the data center’s location, there is the threat of natural disasters. These include tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and many more. Any data area that lives in an area where they are vulnerable to natural disasters should have backup measures in place, just in case something happens. It’s challenging to predict when and where the next major natural disaster will happen. When it does, a data center could be affected by it. Thus, data loss can become a certainty if nothing is done to prepare and prevent it.
  • Outages: Unexpected outages have been known to cause data loss. In the United States, a business could lose almost $8000 per minute. That’s nearly half a million dollars in a single hour. Such outages and data loss could financially cripple an entire small business. This is one more reason why backing up critical data is the best course of action compared to never doing it at all.
  • No access to data: If you are unable to access the data, it can lead to the loss of data itself, as well as time and money. Without access to the data, a business’s productivity will suffer. Plus, the costs will be higher. Depending on the size of the business, they can stand to lose anywhere from tens of thousands to well over a million dollars in one hour alone.


The other costs of data loss

Needless to say, money won’t be the only thing that data loss will cost your business.

Here’s what you could stand to lose in a situation with data loss:

  • Lost wages: Employees won’t have the ability to work because of how dependent your business is on data. Thus, they’ll have nothing to do. You send your employees home, and they don’t get paid because they won’t be able to work. This could hurt employees who are paid at an hourly rate.
  • Productivity is halted: As mentioned before, your business may be dependent on data. It might be the fuel it needs to ensure that productivity continues. Without it, there is no work to be done. Because of its need for data, there are apps and systems that will stop working if there is data loss. With a stoppage in productivity, the costs begin to stack up. As the clock goes, so goes the money in the bank.
  • Lost revenue: Because of data loss, productivity will stop, and the work won’t get done. This means that your business won’t be able to take and process orders, or will not be able to provide the promised service. When this happens, you will lose revenue instantly. No sales are made, and no orders will go through. Even though no money will be able to go in, money will always find a way out by way of your business expenses, employee wages, and so on.
  • Potential fines: This will depend on the industry that your business may be in. Some industries have to take data handling even more seriously than others. Failure to do so can lead to fines (and perhaps even more serious consequences). The fines and penalties may range per record. One business in the financial industry could lose millions of dollars in fines alone due to its failure to protect sensitive data. The healthcare industry could also be fined for potential violations of HIPAA.
  • A loss of trust and credibility: Customers and clients want to have the confidence in knowing their data is safe. If there is a data loss, that confidence will drop. Clients may lose trust in you because you didn’t do enough for data protection. Regaining trust and credibility will be a challenge for any business that has dealt with loss. This and trying to recoup their financial losses go hand in hand.


What measures should you take to prevent data loss?

As such, preventative measures should be taken in order to prevent future data loss. Yes, you can prevent it to an extent. However, there are risks due to incidents beyond anyone’s control (such as natural disasters and outages).

Let’s take a look at what you need to do in order to minimize such instances:

  • Backup data regularly: This is self-explanatory. And a must-do task for any business that is handling amounts of data, small or large. Find a program that will allow you to back up data on a regular basis. This includes cloud services that will back up your data for a monthly fee (which can be higher depending on the amount of storage space you want). It may be an expense, but it can be one that will save you money and a ton of headaches just in case of disaster.
  • Hire people who are competent in data handling: As mentioned before, human error is one of the more significant causes of data loss outside of cybercrime. For this reason, you must find people that will handle your data with care. They need to be knowledgeable and competent enough to handle it (and know what not to delete).
  • Test your cybersecurity infrastructure: It’s important to test what software and systems you have in place to protect your business from cybercriminals. You’ll want to have a cybersecurity specialist perform penetration testing. They’ll try to find vulnerabilities that exist and seal them off from attacks if any are present.

Other than that, there is no way to prevent events beyond our control. We cannot predict the next outage, nor a major disaster like a tornado or a hurricane. That’s why it’s good to backup data and make sure it’s accessible anywhere else instead of having it all situated in one central place (like your office).

If you can find a cloud service that allows you to access data from anywhere in the world, you will have no trouble keeping your business data safe. Don’t take any chances keeping data in one single place, such as extra hard drives and computers.

Cloud data services need no physical hardware for storage on your end. All you can do is access it from a computer so long as you have the right credentials.


What is the difference between data loss and data leaks/breaches?

Data losses are when incidents occur leading to the loss of data. It can be either misplaced or lost to the point where it can never be retrieved. Meanwhile, data leaks or breaches are when information is accessed by cybercriminals and successfully stolen.

Either way, they are costly occurrences that can cost businesses a ton of money. Even if there is data left to be recovered, your business could lose money for time and productivity lost. Regardless, prevention of these occurrences is your best line of defense. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What was the average cost for data loss in 2021?

In 2021, the average cost of data loss was $4.24 million worldwide. This was nearly a 10 percent increase from the previous numbers reported in 2020.


How much can recovery from data breaches cost?

Data breaches can occur and will not result in significant data loss. However, the recovery process can be just as costly. Data breaches can cost a business a total of $2 million. That figure can differ depending on the business’s size or the industry they are in.


How much will ransomware cost businesses?

In a 2021 report, cybercrime will lead to losses of more than $10 trillion worldwide. This also includes ransomware attacks, which may account for nearly $20 billion of those losses within the next year. The costs can vary from one industry to another. But collectively, the costs will add up.


How many cyberattacks happen daily?

Cyberattacks worldwide happen at least 2200 times per day. By these numbers, a cyberattack will occur every 39 seconds. That’s why it is essential to protect the sensitive data your business handles on a regular basis.


Why are data breaches so expensive?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in remote work may have played a role in the increased cost of data breaches. Remote work may have led to slow response times, thus leading to increased costs – including nearly $750,000 alone to respond to cyberattacks and data breaches alone.


What was the most expensive data breach in history?

The most expensive data breach in history was Epsilon, which lost $4 billion in 2011 after a cyberattack. This affected many of their clients, including several large brands like JPMorgan, Chase, and Best Buy.


Final Thoughts

Your business may be at risk for potential data loss. That’s why it is important to follow any possible security measures to protect it from cybercriminals. Also, backing up such data on a regular basis is essential.

Occurrences beyond your control can lead to data loss if it isn’t backed up. That’s why you want to consider backup tools that rely on the cloud. You get plenty of storage space, and you can keep it safe regardless of what happens to your business’s technological infrastructure.

Don’t take any chances. Make sure everything is safe and protected so you can have peace of mind knowing your most sensitive data is safe.

Cybersecurity Strategy Series Episode 1: Proactive Technologies

Which Security Solutions Does Your Business Need?

It is no secret that technology is improving at a rapid rate. In fact, technology growth is multiplying by 2x every 18 months, and over 89% of big data has been produced within the last 2 years. Unfortunately, the risks associated with using technology has been growing just as quickly. It seems to be a never ending battle to try to prevent cyberattacks, and businesses must be more prepared with a cybersecurity strategy than ever before.

So what can we do about this?

There are many solutions to protect advanced threats. Depending on the type of data your company is storing, there are varying levels of protections that you may want to have in place. This is where speaking to a cybersecurity consultant may be helpful to find out exactly which solutions are out there, and get a recommendation specific to your business.

However, there are minimum solutions that every company should have in place, whether you are a small business, or a large enterprise. In this first installment in our Cybersecurity Strategy Series, we are going over these Proactive Technologies. As both technology and threats grow, these may change, but for now, we have outlined the minimum steps that every company should take to protect themselves in 2022.


Step 1: Replace Standard Antivirus with Next Generation Antimalware / EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response)

EDR is not only an antivirus solution, but can also show a step-by-step view of how a malicious process was executed. This is crucial for collecting information for a forensic investigation. A good EDR must be connected with 24/7 monitoring & response, and use artificial intelligence, algorithms, behavioral detection, machine learning, and exploit mitigation to detect threats.

Some EDR solutions that meet these expectations:

CrowdStrike, Carbon Black, Sentinel One, FireEye Endpoint Security HX, Cortex XDR and CyberReason.



Step 2: Implement Multifactor Authentication… Everywhere

Multifactor Authentication, or MFA, is a security measure that can be implemented on any platform you log into. It requires an additional method of authentication after you input your password, which usually consists of a code sent to your phone or to a specified app. With MFA, an attacker wouldn’t be able to gain access to your accounts, even if they had your credentials.

Where should MFA be implemented?

Everywhere! That means your email client, VPN’s, anything that connects to the cloud, remote management systems, and anywhere administrative functions can be performed. Anywhere you can add MFA, you should be adding MFA.



Step 3: Back Up Data with Air Gap Technology

Considering how many things can cause data loss, backing up your company’s data is crucial. It could be lost to ransomware, an internal attack, or even employee error. Not all backups are created the same, however.

What should your backups contain?

Backups should contain an air gap, which is a technical configuration of the backup environment where your data is backed up offline and separate from your business environment. Cloud solutions should have local on-premise appliance to facilitate local caching with immutable storage. All access must be MFA protected and, preferably, not authenticated by Active Directory.  Finally, backup recovery must be tested at least annually.



Step 4: Deploy a Patch Management Strategy

There is a reason that systems are constantly being patched, even years after deployment. Hackers love taking advantage of vulnerabilities, and patches work to minimize this risk. Any company should ensure systems and applications are being patched on a regular basis using an automatic process, rather than having someone deploy these manually. Additionally, patch levels must be tracked. Any new patches should be implemented within 10 business days, and zero-day patches should be implemented within 24 hours

What are some possible patching solutions?

There are some management tools that can automate this procees. Some of the better solutions are SCCM, ManageEngine, and Intune.


cybersecurity strategy


It’s Time to be Proactive in Your Cybersecurity Strategy

These are some great technologies that your business can use to be proactive in your cybersecurity strategy, and are recommended for every business. However, every industry has different needs, and may even have additional requirements to meet compliance standards.

If this seems overwhelming, don’t worry! If you’d like to find out how your company is performing and isolate weaknesses in your cyber defenses, or to discuss what type of security measures you should be taking, our experts are here to help when you’re ready. Just schedule a call with us, or take our free, self-guided IT Security Risk Assessment

Top Cybersecurity Risks Small Businesses Face in 2022

Small Businesses Should Take Steps to Protect Themselves

Cybersecurity in our digital age is something people and businesses need to be wary of constantly. However, many small businesses do not take the proper steps to protect themselves and their customers. On average, only about 14% of small businesses take the time and effort to use cybersecurity and protect their computers and software from cyberattacks. However, almost half of all cyberattacks are carried out on small businesses. We will discuss what cybersecurity is, the top four cyberattacks to be wary of, and preventative measures you need to take to protect your businesses and your customers. 


What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is essentially the way that companies, websites, and people protect online data and devices from harm or theft.

Using cybersecurity to protect a business is not an easy task. Each form of protection needs to be tailored to the business and encompass all devices and systems. This includes your internet connection and even your employees.

Cybersecurity is also not a one-and-done application. Your cybersecurity must be frequently upgraded and adjusted as the internet grows and new scams are created to fully protect your business. 


What Are The 4 Main Types of Attacks?


Malware encompasses a broad spectrum of cyberattacks. Basically, any software created to hurt part of your digital system.

 Some of the most common types of malware (not including ransomware) are:

  • Trojans: Malware that appears to be a helpful code in your system
  • Keyloggers: A program that tracks keystrokes on a computer or device
  • Spyware: Collects data
  • Worms: It replicates itself and spreads through the network.

Malware can get into computers due to untrustworthy emails, downloads, or even items plugged into your computer like phones or USBs. Even if a software is trustworthy, it may be bundled with a suspicious line of code or application that can release malware. 



Ransomware is a form of malware that occurs when a hacker locks files, programs, or data. Generally, as the name suggests, a hacker will demand payment before rereleasing the information to the company. However, there is never any guarantee that the data will be returned after payment is complete.

It can be almost impossible to recover data that is collected this way.

Ransomware can be spread through unprotected Wi-Fi, emails, links, downloads, or dangerous websites. However, suspicious emails are the most common. 


Social Engineering

Social engineering attacks are often overlooked when setting up security on your data. This is because it involves social interactions and not necessarily any bots or programs on the computer itself.

The people who instigate these attacks try to convince a business or person to break usual security measures to access software or data. This can be due to dangerous emails opened, suspicious links, or some other simple mistake. They can also play on an employee’s or even your own emotions.

In 2019, these social hacks made up over 90% of all reported scams and data breaches



Phishing is a social engineering attack that usually involves a hacker pretending to be someone else to get money or sensitive information. This may be someone official, such as a member of the IRS, or just a friend or coworker.

The hacker will send an email, text, or message through a social media account of someone, and they will ask you to send money. They could pretend to be a friend asking for it as a favor, or pretend to be from the IRS,  or that something was handled wrong on your taxes and they need more information. 


Why Are Small Businesses More Vulnerable?

Constantly updating your cybersecurity and training staff is costly. Small businesses often don’t have the funds to integrate top-of-the-line cybersecurity measures and keep them upgraded as more programs and cyberattacks come out.

This makes it easier for hackers to target small mom-and-pop businesses over large corporations such as Google. While these big companies can still be attacked, it is more challenging to get through their security than it would be for smaller businesses. 

Many small businesses are also vulnerable as they don’t even bother to protect their data. Up to 82% of small businesses don’t even set up real security measures as they don’t believe they are at risk or worth being hacked.

However, Visa said that most credit card breaches, well over 90%, come from small businesses. This could be due to their lack of security. So not only can hackers access your financial information, but that of your customers as well. 


Cybersecurity Risks Small Businesses

What Cybersecurity Risks Small Businesses Face

Cybersecurity measures cost a lot of money. However, an attack from a hacker can put you out of business. In 2020, 43% of all cyberattacks were on small businesses. Of those attacked, 60% went out of business within six months of the attack. 

It is estimated that small and medium businesses lost over $2.2 million to cybercrimes. Estimates say that even figuring out where the attack came from could cost over $15,000.

Not only does a lot of money come out of your pocket due to paying hackers and trying to mitigate current breaches, but you may also lose customers. Once customers find out that a leak of their information came from you, they may be hesitant to return to your store.

So not only are you spending thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair an issue caused by a cyberattack, you are losing the people that can help your business offset that cost. 

This is why it is so important to set up preventative measures early. Upgrades and training might cost a lot of money, but it is worth it to ensure your customer’s and business’s safety. 


How to Prevent Cybersecurity Risks

Proper training of your employees is the first step. With social and phishing attacks being the most common, it will likely be human error that causes the issue in the first place. For this reason, you want to make sure all of your employees are trained on procedures and guidelines.


How to Avoid Cybersecurity Risks

Here are some key tips to consider when implementing training for your employees:

  1. Keep the business Wi-Fi separate, secure, encrypted, and hidden. Having your public and business Wi-Fi the same makes it easy for hackers to access your information. Instead, make sure the credit card machines, personal data, and private information are used on a separate Wi-Fi encoded and hidden to protect any device that uses that router.
  2. Create an account for each employee and control access to your computers. If an employee has to walk away for some reason and leave the front computer open, it is easy for a hacker to get the information they need. Laptops, especially, are easy to steal, so make sure they are locked up when not in use. However, adding employee passwords and logins to important programs and data reduces the likelihood of that data being stolen.
  3. Limit how much data employees can access. There is no need for one employee to have access to your whole system. Ensure an employee can only access the information pertinent to their job and not install any new programs or software without your permission.
  4. Revoke employee abilities as soon as an employee is fired or quits. It is best to ensure that an employee’s login information no longer works as soon as they are fired or quit. This is to prevent any disgruntled employees from collecting or ruining information.
  5. Multi-level passwords and authentication. By changing passwords every three months, you reduce the risk of the information being stolen. Also, adding another level of security through a two-step login minimizes the risk of anyone gathering information from an employee’s login information. 
  6. Constantly upgrade all of your software. If your software and programs aren’t up to date, they can quickly be targeted by malware or hackers. Keeping your programs up to date means you have the most effective software and tools to fight against cyberattacks.
  7. Train your employees. It is crucial to ensure employees know not to give away any personal information or data to anyone, no matter who they claim to be. Teach them not to open or download any suspicious files, emails, links, or texts, even from someone they know. Not only is it important to follow this on the company devices, but even their own devices can cause a leak in the business if they aren’t careful. For this reason, it is essential to inform and update employees on ways to prevent cyberattacks.

It is also important to have a plan or person in place to help mitigate the issues when they appear. For example, if someone is attempting to hack you, it is good to have a person or team dedicated to being able to help you prevent the issue. 


How to Detect Cybersecurity Risks

Signs of cybersecurity risks include:

  • A slow computer
  • Fast battery drain
  • Unfamiliar apps or programs on your device
  • Deleted files
  • Contacts receiving strange messages that say they are from you.

There can also be warnings when someone is trying to steal your information that is important to look out for.

  • Someone attempting to change passwords without authorization
  • Multiple login attempts without success
  • Large data transfers to an unknown location, USB, or IP address

The most important part of detecting security risks is being aware and vigilant. The sooner you can recognize and catch anything strange on your devices, the quicker you can prevent any cyberattacks. 


What to Do if Your Business Is Compromised

If your business is compromised, it is important to act quickly. The first steps are to determine what information was gathered and inform your web-hosting service and any other program, website, or software you use to let them know the hack has occurred. They may be able to take steps on their end to prevent the issue from going any further and might even have an idea of how to help your business.

The next step is to inform your customers. It might be scary and seem easier not to inform them. However, you should provide written notification to let your customers know what information was taken and how this might affect them so they can be prepared. This not only allows your customers to take steps to protect themselves early on but is likely to keep them willing to come back to your business as they know you can be honest and trustworthy.

During this process, it is important to be transparent as well. Even if you are embarrassed about how the information got leaked, give as much information to the authorities, legal teams, and anyone else that is trying to help you, so they know how to prevent hacks such as these in the future. They can also help you close up the leak and maybe even get data back.

Finally, once the leaks have been dealt with, it is important to update your security. You know what caused the leak, and you can focus on upgrading the software or employee training to prevent such issues from happening in the future.

Scams and cyber attacks can happen to anyone, even large companies that can afford the best security. It is important to move as quickly as possible and be honest so that the damage can be mitigated. Being embarrassed or upset and trying to withhold information will only hurt you further. 


Cybersecurity Risks Small Businesses

The Cybersecurity Risks Small Businesses Face

Making time for training, having a dedicated team or person to fight against hackers, and having the most up-to-date devices, programs, and software can be expensive. However, with over half of small businesses that face a cyberattack going out of business within six months of the attack, it is worth investing in these preventative measures.

Social attacks and human error are the easiest ways for scams and cyberattacks to work. It is best to focus on training your employees and reducing the amount of information each employee has.

Almost everyone faces some sort of cyberattack every day, even if they don’t realize it. If you are faced with a cyberattack, it is important to remember to act quickly and be honest and upfront with any websites, companies, or officials trying to help you, as well as your customers. Cybersecurity can be intimidating, but by focusing on your employees, you can mitigate many attacks easily.

Are you concerned about the cybersecurity of your company? Edge Networks can help! If you’d like to find out how your company is performing and isolate weaknesses in your cyber defenses, schedule a call with us or take our free, self-guided IT Security Risk Assessment . 

Cybersecurity Myths that Could be Putting Your Data at Risk

The Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness

Today’s greatest significant issue to organizations has been identified as a lack of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity issues are frequently caused by a lack of cybersecurity understanding and awareness. The lack of knowledge is due to a lack of cybersecurity training and persistent disinformation. Despite receiving more media exposure than ever before, some prevalent cybersecurity myths still put businesses in danger. 

One of the most significant challenges that businesses face today is cybersecurity readiness. Despite the increased focus on making businesses more cyber secure, a few popular cybersecurity myths exist in the business world.

Now it is time that we debunk the most common cybersecurity myths and show you how to confront and debunk them.


What Is Cybersecurity?

We need a precise definition of cybersecurity before looking into the more intricate parts of the topic surrounding cybersecurity myths. So, what exactly is cybersecurity? The methods, activities, and tools used to secure digital data, networks, and devices from unauthorized access, criminal attacks, and even destruction are referred to as cybersecurity.

The measures and techniques used to secure physical or personal assets (or even digital ones) are referred to as cybersecurity. This could include confidential processes, password-protected systems, and personal data, as well as information critical to an entity’s or company’s operations, such as plans, designs, or research findings.

Cybersecurity was established as a specific profession dedicated to protecting the security of transmitted information. However, the hazards to internet data transmission are constantly changing, posing more significant risks to sensitive personal and corporate data.


What Does Cybersecurity Do?

To address cybersecurity risk, a rising number of technologies are available, and companies must implement rules and procedures tailored to their own business to be truly prepared for future cyber threats. Cybersecurity standards must engage the IT staff and executive plans and employee feedback on day-to-day technology usage.

To completely protect data, a company’s cybersecurity must include its networks, hardware, software, and mobile devices. Risks and weaknesses must be assessed and tested by entities. After that, a framework must be built describing how attacks are detected, how systems are protected when an attack happens, and how successful attacks are recovered.

Firewalls, malware protection, email protection, anti-virus software, multi-factor authentication, DNS filtering, and post-event analysis tools are among the technologies utilized to implement these cybersecurity policies.


The Biggest Cybersecurity Myths:

MYTH: All You Need Is A Strong Password

Strong passwords are one of the most important aspects of strong cybersecurity, particularly for corporations. Implementing and enforcing strong password regulations, on the other hand, is simply the beginning. In reality, one of the most important aspects of cybersecurity readiness that businesses ignore is what information is available in the first place rather than how individuals get it. 

Not only do employees require secure passwords, but organizations must also be more aware of who has access to what information. According to a recent study, 41% of organizations have at least 1,000 sensitive files available to all employees. Many businesses also lack a strategy for monitoring admin access. Strong passwords help keep your firm safe, but there’s a lot more at risk once employees are in the system.


MYTH: Not All Industries Are Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

Some firms incorrectly assume that they will not be attacked because of their size, while others incorrectly assume they will not be attacked because of their industry. This fallacy is also linked to the notion that certain businesses don’t have anything “worth” stealing. The truth is that any sensitive information, including credit card numbers, addresses, and personal information, can make a company a target.

Furthermore, even if the targeted data has little selling value on the dark web, it may be necessary for the business to operate. Ransomware, for example, can encrypt data and prevent you from accessing it until you pay for a decryption key. Even if the data is deemed “low value,” this can make attacks quite profitable for cyber thieves.


MYTH: Anti-virus & Anti-Malware Software Is Enough

Anti-virus software is essential for keeping your business safe, but it won’t protect you from everything. Software is only the first step in a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. To truly safeguard your business, you’ll need a complete solution covering everything from staff training to insider threat detection and catastrophe recovery.


MYTH: Most Threats Come From the Outside

While external threats are clearly a worry and should be appropriately monitored, insider threats are equally deadly and should be closely monitored. Studies show that insider threats are thought to be responsible for up to 75% of data breaches.

Insider risks can come from anyone on the inside, from disgruntled employees seeking professional vengeance to happy colleagues lacking sufficient cybersecurity training, so having a mechanism in place to discourage and monitor insider threats is critical.


MYTH: Small Businesses Aren’t Threatened

The prevalence of high-profile hacks in the news cycle frequently leads small and medium-sized organizations to believe that they will not be targeted. In truth, the exact reverse is true. According to a Verizon data breach analysis, small firms account for 58 percent of data breach victims.

This occurs for a variety of reasons. Many businesses are not directly targeted but rather are victims of “spray-and-pray” attacks, in which hackers set up automated systems to penetrate businesses at random. Because these attacks are random, any firm, regardless of size, can be harmed.

Small firms are “softer” targets because they have less money to spend on complex data protection software and generally lack qualified security personnel, making them more vulnerable to spray-and-pray attacks. Small businesses are often the target of targeted attacks because they are unprotected.


MYTH: It’s Only Up To IT

While IT has a significant role in creating and reviewing rules to keep businesses safe from cyberattacks, genuine cybersecurity preparation is the responsibility of all employees, not just those in the IT department.

Circling back to the Verizon investigation, 49% of all malware is distributed over email. That means that employees who have not been trained in cybersecurity best practices, such as recognizing phishing scams and avoiding risky links, may expose your company to threats.


MYTH: Wi-Fi With A Password Is Safe

Employees who travel frequently, work remotely, or share workspaces may wrongly believe that a password keeps a Wi-Fi network secure. Wi-Fi passwords, in actuality, are mostly used to limit the number of users per network; other users with the same password may be able to view the sensitive data being communicated. To keep their data safer, personnel should invest in VPNs.


MYTH: You’ll Immediately Know If Your Computer Is Infected

It used to be true that if your computer was infected with a virus, you could tell right away – telltale indicators included pop-up advertising, slow-loading browsers, and, in severe situations, full-on system breakdowns.

On the other hand, modern malware is far more covert and difficult to detect. Depending on the virus strain infecting your computer or network, your compromised machine may continue to function normally, allowing the virus to cause damage for some time before being detected.


MYTH: Personal Devices Are Safe

Employees frequently believe that the security protocols that apply to the company’s computers do not apply to their personal devices. As a result, BYOD rules have exposed businesses to cyber dangers that they may not be aware of. Employees who use their own devices for work-related purposes must adhere to the same security rules as the rest of the network’s machines.

These guidelines do not apply only to cellphones and PCs. BYOD regulations should apply to any internet-connected devices, including wearables and IoT devices.


MYTH: You Can Achieve Flawless Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a never-ending war, not a one-time work to be completed and then forgotten about. New malware and attack methods constantly put your system and data in danger. You must continuously monitor your systems, conduct internal audits, and review, test, and assess contingency plans to keep yourself truly cybersafe.

Maintaining a company’s cyber security is a never-ending task that necessitates the participation of all employees. If someone at your firm has fallen prey to one of the aforementioned fallacies, it may be time to reassess your cybersecurity training and do a risk assessment.


The Truth About Cybersecurity

TRUTH: Malware & Hacks Cost A Lot

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of hacks and breaches involving well-known brands. It costs millions of dollars in damages to recover the data and pay fines. Due to the company’s cost-cutting efforts, C-level executives and associates may lose their jobs due to these expenses.

Here are a few examples: 

  • Yahoo, the internet behemoth, suffered a data breach that affected every one of its 3 billion user accounts. The hack cost roughly $350 million indirect costs.
  • Over $540 million user records were exposed to Amazon’s cloud computing service by Facebook, the social media behemoth.
  • The NHS in the United Kingdom was temporarily brought to its knees by a basic ransomware assault, resulting in canceled procedures and high clean-up costs. 
  • Equifax, a multinational credit rating organization, suffered a massive data hack that affected $147 million clients. The cost of repairing the damage caused by the attack was reportedly estimated to be $439 million.


TRUTH: Individuals Are At Risk

Not only are governments and corporations at risk from hackers’ acts and intents, but so are individuals, despite the cybersecurity myths that may fool them into believing otherwise. 

Identity theft, in which hackers steal a person’s personal information and sell it for profit, is a major problem. This also jeopardizes an individual’s and their family’s safety. This has happened in several instances, costing the victim millions of dollars. In other cases, after stealing their identity, hackers employ blackmail and extortion to demand ransom money in exchange for not taking any further action. This is especially true in high-profile identity theft cases involving celebrities or high-net-worth individuals.

Hackers have targeted home security cameras like the Ring, invading other people’s privacy. This raises serious privacy concerns, as hackers can communicate with people who live within the house and demand money. 


TRUTH: New Laws Are Always Coming

As cyber-attack threats grow, new regulations might be enacted to protect consumers from future attacks. As a result, further restrictions and legislation may be enacted in the near future.

The perpetrators of the attacks should soon face harsher penalties. Citizens must be informed about new legislation and ensure that their businesses abide by them.


TRUTH: Cyber Attacks Affect Everyone

Don’t let these cybersecurity myths affect your business’ security. According to recent reports, hackers now attack a computer in the United States every 39 seconds. Millions of people could be harmed if an attack occurs. State-run organizations may be shut down, and citizens may be denied services.

The major American city of Atlanta, for example, was targeted recently. The attackers demanded a hefty $51,000 in ransom. The SamSam malware was so dangerous that it knocked all of Atlanta off the grid for five days. Multiple major citywide operations were halted as a result of this dreaded attack. It ended up costing over $17 million to recover. Every day, ransomware is used to breach over 4,000 businesses. 

Hackers can breach government institutions on a global scale, resulting in cyber attacks. The National Cyber Security Center has issued a warning to businesses and consumers around the world that Russia is attempting to hack network infrastructure devices such as routers. The goal is to set the stage for future attacks on essential infrastructure, including power plants and energy grids.

It is such a threat that nuclear power stations might be targeted, resulting in a nuclear calamity that would kill millions of people. Stuxnet, a dangerous computer worm, was used to target one of Iran’s nuclear facilities, destroying one-fifth of the country’s nuclear centrifuges. These cyber worms caused centrifuges to overheat, perhaps resulting in an explosion that claimed human life.

If you need help navigating cybersecurity, Edge Networks is here for you! Take our free, self-guided IT Security Risk Assessment, or contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation. Remember to stay educated, and don’t fall for the cybersecurity myths!

How to Prevent Internal Threats

How Internal Threats Compromise Businesses, and How To Prevent Them

In the digital world, threats come from everywhere. Most organizations are prepared to combat hackers and scammers from the outside. However, not everyone knows what to do when the issue comes from an internal location. Internal threats are one of the many security issues that plague organizations today. It’s critical to be proactive and know where they come from and how you can prevent them from interfering with the structure of your business. 

We’re here to help you understand what an internal threat is and how you can combat them. Read on to learn more about this growing challenge in the business world today.


What is an Internal Threat?

So, what exactly is an internal threat?

An internal threat is a hazard that comes from the inside. Internal threats are often people who already have insider information about the company, such as former employees or negligent workers. It may happen on purpose with the intent to harm or may occur on accident from someone who doesn’t take the time to keep critical information on lockdown.

Internal threats target computer systems, data, and even security practices. You can be well-equipped for an external threat and find you have nothing prepared for something on the inside. That’s why it’s critical to prepare, even if you feel like it won’t happen to your organization.

The first step to combating an internal threat is knowing where they come from and what one could look like in your organization. This knowledge will give you a foundation to build on. Of course, internal threats can vary depending on the business structure you currently have in place and the type of company you run.


Examples of Internal Threats

So, what are some examples of internal threats? It can be tricky to understand them without scenarios. Let’s talk about a few examples of internal threats you may want to look for in your employee structure. These should give you a better idea of what to look out for if you suspect an internal attack is occurring in your business.

Some examples of internal threats within a company include:

  • Ex-employees: A disgruntled ex-employee may feel the need to damage the company from the inside, giving up valuable information or leaving something vulnerable to the outside.
  • Employee theft: An employee could steal items like a hard drive with vital data.
  • Employee negligence: A negligent employee could click on a dangerous link or accidentally give out vital information about the organization.
  • Employee abuse of privilege: An employee could abuse their access and use company information to take advantage of the system.


An internal threat doesn’t have to come from someone working for the business. The person needs to know the specific information that gives them access to certain aspects of the company that could lead to something extreme.

To mitigate internal threats, you must be proactive when dealing with issues from the inside. Acting sooner rather than later can reduce the damage done after an attack. It’s excellent to know what to look for, so you can be on alert rather than taken by surprise. 


How to be Proactive in Mitigating Internal Threats

When dealing with internal threats, it’s important to be proactive. Take precautionary measures beforehand to ensure you have an eye on everything while simultaneously being ready to deal with any internal threats that may arise. An intricate, well-run system will accomplish this best.

To be proactive in mitigating internal threats, you can:

  • Establish an insider threat program
  • Know your people
  • Document and enforce policies
  • Allow surveillance
  • Utilize strict password management

These will keep your insider threat risk down to a minimum and help you better locate the source of the trouble when it arises.

Let’s dive further into these to better understand what needs to be implemented. There are many ways to mitigate and keep internal threats under control, even before they become an issue.

First, we’ll talk about establishing an insider threat program. This technique is not one that many think of, but it can make a difference when dealing with internal threats.


Establish an Insider Threat Program

First, establish an insider threat program that can take action when an internal threat arises. This choice means putting people in place tasked explicitly with handling internal threats that may rise to the surface. They are specialized in their jobs and only need to worry about this one task every day.

To establish an insider threat program, you should:

  • Find a senior official to take charge
  • Create a working group
  • Create governance and a working policy
  • Form a training program
  • Derive an office for this program

Having a team to deal with internal threats protects your organization and gives you peace of mind as you go throughout your workday. Formal training permits your staff to be aware and ready to prevent mistakes from leading to an internal threat.

An insider threat program will act on instinct when the time calls for them to do so. They can also analyze specific behavior within the company to keep internal threats from arising before it’s too late. Having a team on your side will make life a whole lot easier for your place of work, as they can take on threats while you deal with the day-to-day of the team you work for or with.


Know Your People

Know your people. Know what they do, know who they are, and know what position they have in your company’s security. You should be aware of various people’s access to specific systems and their control when inside — knowing who can go where will make it easier to retrace your steps if something goes wrong.

On top of this, you should also train your employees in internal threat combative techniques. Teaching them anti-phishing strategies will reduce the number of accidental pawns utilized in an internal threat. It’s too easy for employees to become victims in the world, which can lead to the downfall of a business. Ensure your employees aren’t like deer in the headlights.

You can also show your people how to look for risky behavior. If they notice it among their fellow workers, they can report it to stop it before it goes too far. Having watchful eyes among equipped employees will take you far in mitigating internal threats.


Document and Enforce Policies

Quality policies will go a long way in mitigating internal threats within your organization. It’s critical to document them, taking care to write them down and store them for safekeeping. There should be policies about all employee interactions you can think of that could lead to the scenario of an internal threat.

Netwrix.com recommends some of the policies to be about items such as:

  • Third-party access policy
  • User monitoring policy
  • Incident response policy
  • Password management policy
  • General data protection regulations

Ensure your employees know about these policies and are familiar with how they work. It would be best to be firm on enforcing policies to avoid any loose-handedness that could come with being lax on enforcement. Every policy must be verified by a legal department and then signed by the CEO

You’ll also need to develop penalties if any policy is broken. Strict penalties result in a safer system. Ensure these are just as clear to your employees as the policies are to avoid any confusion.


Allow Surveillance

Next, ensure you allow surveillance to happen on your systems. There’s a way you can keep an eye on potential security threats without damaging the company’s privacy as a whole. Surveillance can take many forms when you’re working to mitigate internal threats while ensuring your company continues to run like a well-oiled machine. 

Some examples of surveillance within an organization might include:

  • Utilizing employees to monitor, look for, and report suspicious behavior
  • Installing video cameras and motion sensors to operate at night
  • Implementing screen-capture technology on screens that are considered high-security.

These measures will keep your systems safe from internal threats.

 On top of these three measures, you should download various security software to do some of the work for you. The more sources of defense you have, the better equipped you will be to keep out intruders that do not belong in your system.


Utilize Strict Password Management

Finally, take care to utilize strict password management measures with your system. This step is perhaps one of the most critical since passwords safeguard almost everything a business offers. Not only do you need to make strong passwords, but you also need to be careful who has access to what.

 Each user in your system should have a way to log in that is personal to them, and only them. If they have clearance to a higher program, they should have another unique password that allows them into that system. Follow the password policies and management you have set to keep everything in place. 

One of the biggest causes of internal threats is the verbal transfer of passwords from one person to another. Ensure your employees can keep their information to themselves and be ready to enact repercussions if security measures break. Passwords can be the downfall of security fast.


What is the Most Effective Strategy for Combating Internal Threats?

Out of everything we’ve listed, what’s the most effective strategy for combating internal threats? There is one that stands out above the rest when dealing with issues that may arise.

Having policies in place and trained employees is your best course of action against the dangers of internal threats. If everyone is aware of the potential threats, they are better equipped to prevent them from happening. They can also report anything they see right to you for efficient action. 

If everyone is on board, you have less to fear. Together, you can work on making your business environment one that is safe from employee negligence and other careless actions.


Why is it Critical for Companies to Take Action Against Internal Threats?

It can seem unnecessary to take action against internal threats. You may feel as though your system is covered, as though you have no chance of dealing with an internal threat from your organization. This is where the problem lies. Many aren’t aware of the statistics that plague businesses around the world.

According to purplesec.us, 63% of successful data attacks come from sources on the inside. This statistic is shockingly high, and many companies are unaware of it. Much data isn’t reported due to the inside nature of the attack. This choice leaves many organizations in the dark about their actual risks.

Because of the unknowns that come with internal threats, it’s vital to take action against them regardless of how good you feel your security may be on the outside. You never know where an attack can come from, and it’s better to be prepared than not know what’s going on when one happens. Don’t become a statistic with a system ready for an internal threat to conquer.


In Closing

Internal threats can seem like they’re not a problem until they arise and destroy your system. It’s critical to understand what internal threats are, who they come through, and what you can do to mitigate the issues before they get any bigger. Internal threats are a much larger issue than many realize.

Combating and being proactive against internal threats is part of running an organization. With the increased dangers of social engineering strategies, it’s more critical now than ever to be on top of any threats that may come your way. With extra effort, you can prepare for any internal threats that may come your way.

To assess your risk of internal threats, as well as any other cybersecurity threats, contact Edge Networks for a free 30-minute consultation.

Pegasus Spyware: The Zero-Click Spyware Infecting Smartphones

Pegasus Spyware: The Basics

Back in June, it was discovered that Pegasus Spyware, specifically developed to track criminals and terrorists, made its way to more than 50,000 phone numbers, some of which included heads of state governments, presidents, and prime ministers. Because this spyware was discovered on the devices of the world’s elite, everyday smartphone users are left wondering if this spyware is lurking within their devices and if it is, how they can detect it and remove it. Below, we’ll dive into Pegasus Spyware, helping you determine your risk and what you can do if you’ve been infected. 

Spyware is something that the world has known about since 1995, introduced as an interchangeable word to refer to adware and malware. It wasn’t until the turn of the century that spyware started to evolve, becoming one of the most dangerous threats on the web. In 2021, spyware has become a whole new beast, especially as the global use of electronics, specifically cell phones, is on the rise. 


What is Pegasus Spyware?

Pegasus is advanced spyware created by Israel’s renowned technology firm, NSO Group. Specifically designed to target smartphones, Pegasus doesn’t discriminate, creating a risk for all devices within the platform trifecta Android, iOS, and Blackberry.

Like other types of spyware, Pegasus is designed to gain access to devices. While other traditional spyware is mainly acquired via mobile vulnerabilities, Pegasus is installable on devices via apps like WhatsApp, leaving no traces behind. Other spyware usually requires the installation of a malicious app (primarily via jailbreaking and rooting) or the click of a malicious link that led to the installation of spyware on the device.

Pegasus is so powerful because it requires the user to do nothing, taking advantage of a known vulnerability in apps like iMessage. Once embedded into a device, Pegasus spyware can access all apps, including those with access to real-time details like cameras and microphones. It’s not easily detectable and can linger in devices long enough to collect sensitive information.


Who might be vulnerable to it?

According to statements from the NSO Group, the only entities with access to Pegasus software are “the military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies from countries with good human rights records.” Though their intentions might be good, that didn’t keep some countries from restricting use, including the United States and France.

Those that may be more vulnerable are activists, journalists, businesspeople, known criminals, government leaders and anyone connected to them that is suspected of a crime. Currently, NSO Group is not releasing clients, so it’s unclear whether or not those that are vulnerable or targeted are regulated.

Because of these spyware discoveries, Pegasus spyware is starting to get a negative reputation across the globe, with many world leaders concerned with their privacy and national security. Apple is among the first platforms to sue NGO groups, though others are expected to follow suit. When notified about the lawsuit and the implications they were facing, NGO Group did not admit to any wrongdoing and claimed that their product nor procedure were not breaking any law. In fact, they pointed out their strong suit, claiming “authorities combat criminals and terrorists who take advantage of encryption technology to avoid detection.”


How does it infiltrate a phone?

Pegasus spyware is more sophisticated than other types of spyware, able to infect devices without user interaction. Pegasus works by targeting zero-day vulnerabilities, which are vulnerabilities that cybersecurity experts are not yet familiar with. The attack is considered zero-click and typically infects smartphones with vulnerable apps.

Recently, Apple discovered that the spyware was targeting iOS messenger because of a vulnerability not yet patched. Because there is no user involvement required and no noticeable changes to infected devices, it can be difficult to detect. At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be a tool to directly detect Pegasus spyware, though there are ways to understand risk.

Assessment of risk is perhaps the most aggressive measure against Pegasus spyware, though users can do other things to detect its presence on their device.


How can someone detect Pegasus Spyware?

There is some good news for those who have a smartphone and are worried about the presence of spyware. Though 50,000 numbers have been listed as infected, it is not just an ordinary list of people. Those 50,000 were linked to several government officials, political activists, journalists, and those involved in their country’s politics.

That means that most smartphone users are excluded, though that doesn’t make most feel at ease. Spyware of any kind can infect devices, which is why it’s helpful to know how to detect it. Due to Pegasus spyware’s sophistication, it’s not detectable with just any antivirus, leaving users to seek other detection methods.

One popular method of detection that works on all devices is Amnesty International Mobile Verification Toolkit.

This toolkit is compatible with Linux and macOS, searching the device for unknown items that could represent a malware infection. Because news of this spyware is novel, it’s not yet set up to work 100%. While it will not detect Pegasus spyware directly, it alerts smartphone users of “indicators of compromise,” showing an infection on the device. 

Though Amnesty International’s toolkit seems promising, cybercriminals are always trying to stay one step ahead in their methods of defeat. Word of a recent campaign to trick users looking for a way to protect their devices hit newsstands in early October, with a group of cybercriminals disguising themselves as Amnesty International. For those looking for a way to detect Pegasus spyware on their device, Amnesty International is a safe bet. However, they should only inquire about information from the actual website and avoid clicking any unknown third-party links.

An additional option for iOS users that shows promise for detecting Pegasus spyware is Apple’s very own iMazing. This optional scan was created to scan devices to provide evidence of spyware. Installing it on devices is simple and comes with a guided process that takes about 30 minutes. iMazing will scan each app on the device and check for malicious content, creating a detailed report that users can access to find out whether or not they have items on their device that require attention. 


How can it affect security?

Spyware is different from other types of attacks in that it turns the cell phone into a surveillance device. The longer that spyware is left on a device, the more information it can gather and the more harm it can potentially cause. A few of the most common security implications due to Pegasus software include copying and sending private messages, recording phone calls, and collecting photos both taken on the device and received from messages and apps.

Pegasus can even gain access to users’ microphones and cameras, spying on users without their knowledge. Because of this powerful ability, users with Pegasus spyware installed on their device could have someone monitoring their phone calls and starting the device’s camera without their knowledge, falling victim to severe implications if any wrongdoing is suspected.

For most smartphone users, access to such information will not be lead to criminal action, though it could cause issues with loved ones or professionally. However, because Pegasus targets criminals, world leaders, and other important figures across the globe, some captured information could lead to further investigations.

Apart from the ability to monitor those who might cause harm, Pegasus spyware could create danger if the information is passed into the wrong hands. National and international security could be in harm’s way, and other sensitive details could result in increased criminal activity. Companies too could face implications if collected information falls into the wrong hands, with others able to predict their next move.

Because of these serious security implications that companies are taking action, including global giants like Amazon. They, like others, are making moves to restrict and even shut down services linked to Pegasus spyware. Though companies are taking action on their own, cybersecurity experts are closely monitoring for increased malicious activity and attempting to stop further infections of Pegasus spyware until proper regulations can be put in place.


Can Pegasus Spyware be removed from a device?

Because this spyware is new, sophisticated, and not very well understood, there is not currently a removal solution. These zero-day vulnerabilities created with help from knowledgeable cybercriminals are very difficult to patch until developers find a solution to mitigate them. Even though it’s not removable at the moment, there are some ways that those who are at risk for Pegasus spyware (and any other spyware) can protect themselves.

One of the most effective defenses is active and frequent monitoring of devices, including regular scans to detect suspicious activity. The more active users are running scans and monitoring all activity, the better they will be at detecting spyware and stopping it before it can infect devices and escape without being noticed. In addition to a plan to scan and monitor, users can take other precautions, a few of which we’ll mention below.


Securing your Device

Since smartphones are targeted by Pegasus spyware, users should first secure their devices. There are several ways that users can do this, including keeping their devices updated with the latest version, updating all apps when necessary, and getting on a monitoring and scanning schedule.

Frequent monitoring is recommended, with regular users running scans at least once a week. This should ensure that there is no new suspicious activity or installations that could indicate a security breach.


Securing your Data

In addition to protecting devices, it is recommended that companies protect their data. Data is one of the most valuable targets online, with data breaches reaching all-time highs in 2020 and expected to continue to increase in 2021 and 2022. Smartphone users are encouraged to protect their data by managing their permissions in all apps (especially those with access to sensitive details) and ensuring that all passwords are up to date and secure.

Mobile phones often ask for permissions to access apps and other connected devices, which could lead to an additional vulnerability. If there is sensitive information on any device connected to a smartphone, users are encouraged to avoid permitting access to prevent further complications and risks.


Securing your Network

It’s not just about securing mobile devices but also the network to which they are connected. In 2021, most areas feature free wi-fi, though users don’t always consider risks. Public network attacks are on the rise as more and more smartphone users demand access to wi-fi on the go.

There are several ways users can protect themselves and their network, including utilizing advanced security suits that protect each layer. Frequent monitoring of networks and scanning for unknown connections and devices is one place to start, helping users identify understand if something needs their attention.

It’s not just necessary to protect from known attacks but also to have the capability to protect and prevent zero-day attacks too. These days, users are encouraged to use antivirus and other security tools that can help isolate and patch attacks with help from automation.


Pegasus spyware protection

Because Pegasus spyware is linked to two apps, it’s recommended that users take steps to disable each of them if possible. The two most common attacks have been with WhatsApp and iMessage, both of which can be disabled by users.

Pegasus is different than other spyware and can infect systems without user interaction, so at this time, there is not a specific fix. For now, it’s recommended to keep internet access secure, limit others’ access to devices, get on a scanning schedule to check for vulnerabilities, stay up to date on the latest iPhone and Android news, and update when necessary to prevent access.

Are you concerned about the cybersecurity of your company? Edge Networks can help! If you’d like to find out how your company is performing and isolate weaknesses in your cyber defenses, schedule a call with us .

How a Human Firewall can Increase Your Cybersecurity

The Human Firewall

We’re living in a digital age. Some call it the age of the internet due to the prevalence of its impact on society. With the dependence on the internet for most parts of our daily lives and business, cybersecurity has become a must for everyone. A large part of cybersecurity has to do with the human element. Programs like antivirus software and digital firewalls prevent a lot of harm from coming to your devices and network. However, a human firewall is just as necessary as a digital one. This article will cover what a human firewall is, its benefits and weaknesses, and the risks that you may incur without one. It will also explain how to set a human firewall up if you haven’t already implemented one.


What is a Human Firewall?

In any organization or company, you run the risk of cyberattacks. These can happen in several ways. While most people and companies have a standard firewall that blocks malicious traffic, some can get through. This is where the human firewall comes in.

human firewall is a group of people in an organization that detects the threats your standard firewall lets through. For the most part, these threats come in through phishing attacks and ransomware. While this group of people may be specialized, most companies implement a human firewall corporation-wide. Employees should be trained on how to handle data safely and how to detect any possible threats. If trained well, your entire organization can become an effective human firewall.

It should be noted that the human firewall is a company’s last line of defense. The most malicious threats are the ones that go undetected by your software. As such, the training of your human firewall is essential.


What are the Benefits of a Human Firewall?

The most significant benefit of having a human firewall comes down to the security of your organization’s data. When you have a well-trained human firewall, you can identify threats that may severely affect your company. The most significant advantage of having your employees as a line of defense is the peace of mind knowing that your data is being handled well.


What are the Weaknesses of a Human Firewall?

While having a human firewall can provide great benefits, there are some particular areas of weakness in most of them. To prevent these areas of weakness, a large amount of education and training may be necessary. Here are the biggest weaknesses that most companies find in their human firewall.


Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are the biggest area of weakness when it comes to a human firewall. These attacks are designed to trick your employees into thinking they’ve received something important via email or text. The message then prompts them to act quickly, and it takes them to a page to provide personal or company data.

An important thing to note about phishing is that it tends to happen in trends. Often, you can look up what phishing attacks are trending to know what to warn employees about. However, these cybersecurity attacks have been on the rise. They are happening more frequently, and they are getting trickier to identify.

Many of the latest phishing attacks have been using social engineering. This is the practice of finding key details out about the target prior to the attack. The person implementing the phishing attack will then use these details to make their claims seem more legitimate. These are sometimes called spear phishing, and they’re very effective. They require lengthy training so that employees know how to identify them.


Theft or Loss of Devices

Sometimes, the biggest threat to your company’s data is losing a device with data on it. An employee can lose the device outright, or it may be stolen. Either way, it has your organization’s information on it, making it a digital security threat.

This isn’t limited to just a company’s devices, however. It can be the loss of a personal device that has company information on it. The ‘bring your own device’ model has become much more prevalent in today’s times, thanks to the global pandemic. Companies that couldn’t afford to provide a device to every employee had to encourage them to use their own devices. If these devices don’t have a secure way of accessing company data, they are at risk.

This can be combated in several ways. Personal devices can have security measures installed on them. A hotline to the company can also be opened for any lost or stolen devices. This is a proactive way to identify possible threats to your organization’s data and information.



If your employees browse any compromised websites, there’s a chance that the devices they’re using will be exposed to malware. Malware tends to appear as a pop-up, and it uses scare tactics to coax employees to download a ‘fix’ for an infection. What they’re actually downloading is the malware itself.

Malware can be identified relatively easily. It just takes time and training, as do many of the different aspects of being a part of the human firewall.


What Risks Do Employees Present Without a Human Firewall?

Several risks come with the lack of a human firewall. No matter what damages occur, you can bet that they’ll be harmful to your organization. These are some of the risks that employees not properly trained to be a human firewall pose.


Monetary Risks

Compromises in your data will always represent a monetary risk, regardless of what kind of issue your company faces. Ransomware is an outright costly issue that any business may face should employees not be trained to be a human firewall. The loss of data, or a data breach, can cause even more monetary losses for your company. While cybersecurity training can be costly, it will cost less than any compromises in your cybersecurity. On average, a major data breach costs a company $1 million. Keep that in mind when considering the cost of education and training.


Risk to Reputation

The general public doesn’t want to work with a company that cannot protect its data. When companies suffer a data breach, they feel the effects of it long after the issue has been resolved. When word gets out that a company’s data and its customers have been compromised, the organization’s reputation becomes tarnished. This makes people far less likely to work with your organization in the future, especially if the data being worked with is sensitive.


Disruption of Business Activities

While this seems like it should relate to the monetary risks, it encompasses more than just money. When business activities are disrupted, it affects your company’s cash flow, your customers’ orders, and your employees’ wellbeing. The issues will be ongoing, as well, and your internal operations will likely require an overhaul. It’s better to be preemptive about these things and expect the worst rather than hope for the best.


How to Implement a Human Firewall

If you don’t have a human firewall established within your company, you can do several things to implement one. Rather than framing this as a step-by-step guide, however, we’re going to look at it from many angles. These solutions can help your business create a robust human firewall using a number of different techniques.


First Things First: Educate Your Workforce

If you don’t have a human firewall established already, then the first thing you need to do is provide education to your employees. Even the most basic educational course can go a long way. Establishing the precedents of data security in your business is a must, and it should be included with employee onboarding at the very least.

When considering education, try to build your plan based on a user with little to no computer experience. It would help if you taught them the building blocks of data security and why it’s important to your company. From there, you can move into more complex topics of discussion. Some of the things you should cover are phishing emails, social engineering, and visiting secure websites. All of these are things that they’ll have to worry about in their day-to-day jobs.


Tool-Specific Training

We will expand upon the theme of education and discuss the need for tool-specific training. Most organizations use some form of mass communication for their business activities. These programs tend to be the most likely place for a breach to happen within the company. While they aren’t malevolent, these data breaches can cause the same issues that a malicious program can. All company data needs to be cared for accordingly. Teaching employees how to use their tools safely can accomplish that.


Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Lost or stolen devices pose a threat to a company’s data. One of the best ways to keep data safe on any device is by enabling multi-factor authentication, or 2-factor authentication. These programs add a second layer to the security of your devices and your programs, meaning that should a phishing attack work, it won’t accomplish the true goal of accessing your company’s data.

Multi-factor authentication enhances security because it requires users to rely on something they know and something they have. Users know their password, and they have a device for a one-time code to be sent to. If they are missing either one of these elements, the data or the device cannot be accessed. Some multi-factor authentication programs also enable users to lock access entirely if they aren’t the person trying to access the device or the data. If a breach happens, the chances are likely that the multi-factor authentication will prevent any data access or manipulation.


Keep Things People-Oriented

This relies on two different frames of reference. The first requires that you realize that people make mistakes. As such, you have to encourage the adoption of cybersecurity to everyone in the company, not just the tech-savvy. In the world we live in, the workforce is made up of many different people, all of which have different backgrounds. Not all people are going to understand the need to be part of the ‘cybersecurity team.’ Be sure to have patience and to make things as people-oriented as possible.

The other part of this is making sure that all people participate in the human firewall. This includes every level of employee, especially those in executive positions. These high-level individuals are going to be the target for most spear phishing attacks. They have access to the most valuable data in the company, and they are more likely to be well-known. Remember, for the human firewall to be effective, all people must participate in it.


Provide Company-Issued Devices

Company-issued devices are the best way to have complete control over the information being transmitted, as well as how it’s protected. These devices will have company-approved software installed on them, meaning that the human firewall can be more relaxed than if the device were personally owned. Employees are also much less likely to lose track of a company-issued device. They’re costly, and they understand that they could be penalized if something happened to them. Company-issued devices can save a lot of trouble in the long run.


Test Employees From Time to Time

One of the best ways to keep people on their toes is by simulating cybersecurity attacks. There are programs available to simulate phishing emails and social engineering schemes. Should an associate fail one of these tests, they can be reeducated by another member of the human firewall. The entire basis behind this is education, not punishment.


Keep Things Up to Date

As you notice trends in cybersecurity change, be sure to keep your human firewall up to date. This vigilance is one of the best ways to ensure that you can stay safe from data breaches or other cyberattacks. Cybersecurity is constantly evolving; your human firewall should be, too.

Are you concerned about the cybersecurity of your business? Edge Networks can help! Take our free, self-guided IT Security Risk Assessment, or contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation.

Improving Productivity with Cloud Services

Cloud Services: A Game-Changer?

A huge goal of any company is to improve productivity. Worker productivity is vital to having a successful business, and it’s frustrating when you feel like your workers aren’t as productive as possible. Of course, you want the brilliance of your workers to shine through. You want their best work at their best speed. You know they are capable of more than what they are giving you. So what are some solutions? Switching to a cloud service could be a game-changer for your company. A cloud service is anything where information is stored on the web instead of locally on your computer. Cloud services allow people to collaborate in real-time no matter where they are, among many other perks. Read on to learn about cloud services and their benefits!


What are Cloud Services?

The term “the cloud” is probably something you’ve heard a million times, but do you actually know what it means?

“The cloud” makes it sound like your data is just stored somewhere in cyberspace, floating around in a protective bubble. But actually, it has a home. It’s stored in many places until the network of servers procures what you need and sends it to you.

Softwares that are considered part of the cloud run via the internet instead of on your computer locally. Most cloud-based services can be found through a web browser, while some companies have apps too.

Examples include Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Yahoo Mail, Netflix, Apple iCloud, and Google Drive. There are also multitudes of business applications that are cloud-based. 48% of all corporate data is currently stored in the cloud.

A big pro of cloud-based software is that you can get your information from any device that has a connection to the internet. You can edit a Google Docs file on your computer at home and then pick it back up at the office. Your coworkers can even work on the same document with you. 

Services like Google Photos and Amazon Cloud Drive let you store your photographs, so you don’t have to use all of your phone’s storage.

Another perk of the cloud is that you don’t need a high-end computer to get things done because remote servers handle the storage and computing. Cloud-based computers are being produced at a low cost, like Google’s Chromebooks.


What Is the History of Cloud Services?

In the 1990s, a large number of personal computers became connected as technology became more budget-friendly. In 1999, Salesforce was the first company to create an application over the internet, which started Software as a Service (SaaS).

Within three years, music, videos, and more were being hosted online. Lay people were now able to access things that only people who knew how to code could access before.

In the mid-1990s, “the cloud” became a term that was being used to discuss the internet. Quickly, Microsoft and Google were racing to create market share in the virtual sphere. 

Suddenly, the cloud was everywhere, and along with SaaS came PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). Cybersecurity became a new industry with the dawn of the cloud.

Everyone was using the cloud for everything ranging from government, finance, healthcare, and entertainment. The cloud created the largest cultural shift ever seen in humanity. Information became readily available to anyone who had access to a computer and internet service. Small startups began to change the world.

In August of 2006, Amazon Web Services put out Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), letting people rent virtual computers and use their own applications and programs online. Soon after came Google Docs Services. A year later, a small startup, Netflix, launched its website. IBM launched SmartCloud, and Apple put out iCloud. Oracle released a Cloud as well.

And the cloud will only continue to grow. In the first quarter of 2021 alone, cloud service spending reached $42.8 billion.


How Do Cloud Services Improve Productivity?

If your company isn’t sure whether or not to utilize cloud services, you’re not alone. Cloud services can be overwhelming to implement, and there will be a learning curve when teaching your employees how to use the new services.

It is also hard to know which service to choose amongst so many of them. But it is worth taking the time to research which service would best fit your company because there are a myriad of benefits to using cloud services.

These services certainly improve productivity once your company gets over the initial hump of learning how to use them.

Here are some ways that cloud services improve the productivity of workers:


Cloud Services Support Collaboration

Cloud services significantly improve the ability for employees to collaborate.

When employees use cloud services, they can communicate and collaborate with colleagues in real-time, regardless of location. Platforms like Zoom, Webex, Slack, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams make it incredibly easy for employees to stay in touch and get the job done. Many of these platforms also have the option to store documents, making it very easy to access collaborative projects and important information.

Having the ability to work together when you’re not together physically has a variety of benefits, many of which have been proven with the rise of Covid-19 as most teams were collaborating remotely and relied heavily on cloud services to do so.

It’s also important to consider what works best for specific people on the team and offer a variety of options. Some people aren’t very social or good at group collaboration in person, but thrive in an individual setting where they get to work on their own.


Remote Jobs

With the advent of the cloud came the ability to have remote workers. Remote workers can now complete any task that a worker in the office could because of the cloud. They can access the same documents, collaborate, and join meetings. Remote jobs allow companies to hire the best of the best regardless of location.

They also increase the applicant pool because they allow disabled people to apply who otherwise wouldn’t be able to leave their houses. The same can be said for work-at-home parents.


Encourages Employees to Bring Their Own Devices

The majority of companies need employees to use their own smartphones to use business apps and services. Cloud computing encourages employees to use their own devices, making them more responsive and letting them use cloud-based apps at home.

When an employee is tied to their work desktop, they can’t do any work at home when they have a big idea. Or they can’t go on vacation but work while they’re away. With cloud services, employees can use their own computers or smartphones to get work done that would classically only be done in the office. This considerably frees up the creativity and flexibility of the employee.


Improves Usage of Big Data

Clouds are great for “Big Data.” Employees are able to analyze and organize a lot of data that is unstructured very quickly. These analytics can then be shared with the entire company right away, which helps make decisions, stops repeated efforts, and reduces errors. 

When everyone is working on their own computers, it is not uncommon for the same work to get repeated by two or more people. With cloud services, this possibility is taken out of the equation. Everyone sees what everyone else is working on, so if one person is working on a spreadsheet, someone else will either simultaneously work on it or go work on someone else, but no one will fill in the same cells on their own.


Use the Latest Technology

Using cloud technologies lets companies get to the most recent tools and scale up or down as they need to. This creates extreme flexibility so companies can tailor their technology to the market quickly. Employees will have the most up-to-date tools to complete their work.

Staying ahead of trends and using the best technology possible is what makes or breaks companies. It is wise to use any resources available to you, especially a resource as groundbreaking as cloud services. As market trends change, your technology can change with it because cloud services are highly flexible. This is one of the perks of using cloud services. If you’re not up to date on your technology, you will always be behind.


Improves the Use of Company IT Resources

Most cloud applications let IT off the hook from regular maintenance, so they have time to focus on more important things. There will still be a mild amount of work to do, but it is insignificant compared to a non-cloud service.

Cloud services offer their own IT, so you will never have to fix a cloud service problem in-house. Cloud services are incredibly fast at responding to problems, and a whole system crash never happens, whereas if you use your own personal software, the whole thing can crash and ruin the day, or days, until IT can fix it. Cloud services eliminate this problem and let your IT employees work on more important things.


Integrate with Systems You Already Use

The majority of cloud services are designed to be able to integrate with services that are already in place. So employees can easily switch amongst tools that are in use without having to transfer information by hand, which is prone to errors and takes a lot of time. Sometimes there will be some work to integrate the systems, but it isn’t an overwhelming amount.

Combining your current systems with a cloud service will significantly improve your existing system. Integration is a genius aspect of cloud services, so you don’t have to start from scratch. You also don’t have to do all the heavy lifting- the service will integrate itself, for the most part. This will keep your workers relatively familiar with the interface and data and make the learning curve smaller.


Limits Downtime

Teams behind cloud software have teams that work tirelessly to make sure their product is working and are able to respond to problems right away. This means employees are never waiting around for a problem to be fixed.

It also limits downtime at home. Your employee may have a great idea, be bored, or feel motivated at home or on the subway and want to work. Letting your employees access all the information they need to get work done is always a great idea. You’d be surprised at how much extra work they do when it’s available to them.



61% of organizations plan to optimize the cost of their cloud services in 2021. Using a cloud can cut down on overhead significantly. For one, you will save on hardware setup costs and HR. Cloud services provide the IT necessary, so you’ll never have to fix a cloud problem in-house. You still have to pay for cloud services, but the cost is nowhere near that of trying to run a similar system yourself. Plus, you’ll probably cut down on overtime due to increased productivity.


It’s Time to Invest in Cloud Services

Cloud services are any service where information is stored on the internet rather than locally on your device. They can range from Google Docs to Netflix. Cloud services are particularly useful for companies because they allow workers to communicate, collaborate, and do work regardless of where they are. That group project that workers used to dread? Now they love it because they can complete it from the comfort of their own desks.

It is clear that cloud services improve productivity by a landslide. From allowing people to work from home, using the latest technology, and cutting down on costs, cloud services are a win-win for everyone. A company would be remiss in giving up the opportunity to implement this amazing technology that companies now offer.

At Edge Networks, we’ve made many of our clients ’ transition to the cloud easier and more secure. Contact us today for a free 30 minute consultation.