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The Top 3 Cybersecurity KPIs Every Business Needs to Track

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an excellent way to measure your team’s success. When it comes to Cybersecurity KPIs, there are a few we recommend to be at the top of your IT team’s list. 


#1: How Prepared Are You?

As the attack surface continues to expand with the introduction of new technologies, it’s crucial for teams to regularly assess their preparedness to handle a cybersecurity incident.

A deep understanding of possible threats determines how prepared your team is to respond to a breach. Tools like 
VirusTotal and Open Threat Exchange (OTX by AT&T) can provide insights into the latest trends and developments in the digital landscape, helping your team stay up-to-date and better prepared to keep your company’s data safe and secure.


#2: Unidentified Devices

Unidentified devices are any devices that are connected to your company’s network but are not properly registered or authenticated. These devices could be owned by employees, contractors, or other third parties, but they may also be owned by outsiders who have gained access to the network.

Tracking and identifying all devices connected to your company’s network is essential. This includes laptops, desktops, smartphones, and other internet-enabled devices. Having a record of all devices helps ensure that only authorized users have access and that any unidentified devices are promptly removed.

In addition to maintaining clear documentation of devices, networking monitoring tools can help with ongoing tracking of what devices are connected.


#3: How Long Does It Take To Recover?

Conducting regular tabletop exercises, where the team practices responding to a hypothetical incident, such as a ransomware attack or an unidentified device accessing the network, can help ensure that your team is ready to quickly and effectively address modern threats.

1. Assemble Your Team

Gather all relevant team members, including IT staff, cybersecurity professionals, and key stakeholders.


2. Choose a Scenario

This could be a simulated cyber attack, data breach, or any other incident that could impact your organization.


3. Walk through the scenario step-by-step

Start by setting the scene and outlining the initial incident. Then, have team members discuss and decide on their response, just as they would in a real-life situation. This might include activating your incident response plan, communicating with stakeholders, and taking necessary remediation steps.


4. Debrief and review

After the exercise is complete, take some time to debrief and review what happened. What went well? What could have been done better? Use this feedback to identify any areas for improvement and update your response plan as needed.

At a minimum, it’s recommended to conduct preparedness exercises annually to ensure that your team has the skills and resources necessary to respond to a cybersecurity incident. In addition, investing in a well-documented and rehearsed preparedness process can save time, money, and data in the event of a real incident.


Group of people discussing cybersecurity KPIs

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